EGKF General Meeting, 21st September 2001

Furstenfeld, Austria

General Meeting, Furstenfeld, 21.09.2001

1.         Opening and welcome of the General Meeting by the Vice-President Mr.
            Humberto Oliveira. Thank to the Chairman of the organization committee
            EC 2001 Mr. Gerhard Jedliczka.

                – Short introduction about Championships in Kaliningrad 2000;

                – Letter by Mr. Fritz Nopel, stating he doesn’t continue as President and
            thanking EGKF for his great and good work;

                – Short introduction about referee course leaded by Mr. Vitaliano Morandi.


2.         Welcome by Mr. Jiri Bocek, Secretary General who read order for the

                – Proposal: Stella Pippi Fair Play Award – accepted;

                – Proposal: Mr. Nopel for Honorary President – accepted

                – Tournaments for 2002 and 2003;

                – Presentation of the guest of EGKF General Meeting: Mr. Martin Cules,
            member of WKF directive committee.


3.            In the absence of the Treasurer Mr. Pieter Harms, report read by Mr. Johny Harms.

4.             Election of the Board, proposal:


President:                 Mr. Humberto Oliveira Portugal

Vice-President:        Mr. Horst Nehm Germany

Secretary General   Mr. Jiri Bocek Czech Republic

Treasurer:                 Mr. Johny Harms Belgium Auditors: 

Mr. Erhard Kellner Austria

Mr. Alexander Gendrikson Russia


Elected with no votes against, nor abstention.

5.         Proposal to changes to the statutes:

Article 2: address of the EGKF – accepted 13

Article 3: Direction in purpose and rules to WKF – accepted 12, against 1 (Slovakia) Article 6: Cancellation of point nº. 4, Vice Secretary General – accepted 13 Article 8: Terms of officials – 4 years, accepted 12, against 1 (Slovakia) Between article 15 and 16 – put the two auditors of EGKF, accepted 13 Referee committee shoud be outside the board of officials, accepted 14 Referee Committee:

Chairman      Mr. Vitaliano Morandi Italy

Members Mr. Alois Wiesbock Austria    Mr. Jiri Bocek  Czech Republic    Mr. Uwe Portugall Germany

Accepted 14

6.         Championships

                – 2002: Belarus

                6 votes Romania 4 votes

                European Championship of Cadets and Juniors will be in Minsk (Belarus)

                – 2003: Portugal:

                14 votes

                European Championship for Seniors will be in Serpa (Portugal)

                – 2004:

                Proposal – St. Polten (Austria) or Ukraine Presentation in Minsk 2002
            – 2005:

                Proposal – Berlin (Germany) or Barcelona (Spain) Presentation in Serpa 2003

                – 2006: No Proposals


7.     No new members

8.     Mr. Culen informed that the President of WKF will be informed in Tunis about the vote of EGKF to follow WKF rules.

9.    End of General meeting by Mrs. Bocek and Oliveira