EGKF General Meeting, 25th September 2009

Bern, Switzerland

1. Invitation

 Invitation and welcome of the EGKF President  Mr. Humberto Oliveira and EGKF General secretary Mr. Jiri Bocek

 2. Admission / exclusion of the EGKF members

Several National Federations have been contacted by E.G.K.F. for more then one time. Many didn’t reply (Andorra, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Ireland, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland and Slovenia).

Some stated Goju as inexistent: Cyprus, Malta, San Marino, Turkmenistan and Wales.

Some gave us addresses of Goju groups which we have contacted with no further results: Bulgaria, England, France, Greece and Sweden

Some pass away our information to Goju groups: Armenia, with no further evolution

Since last 2007 Senior Championship the following countries made their application: Estonia, Georgia, Liechtenstein, Poland and Switzerland all were admitted as full members by the General meeting.

3. Report of the EGKF president

Report of the EGKF president Mr. Humberto Oliveira: (power point presentation)

EGKF past, present and future:

Information and statistics, graphs – membership development of the EGKF

E.G.K.F. has the aim of promoting, organising, regulating and popularising Goju-Ryu Karate Do. To fulfil our purposes, E.G.K.F. will follow the line, rules and goals established by the World Karate Federation (WKF).

In order to achieve its purposes E.G.K.F. will:

– Held tournaments for Cadets & Juniors and Seniors;
– Promote the improvement of Goju-Ryu techniques;
– Promote courses for leaders, trainers and referees;
– Held Congresses and Conferences;
– Promote Dan classes and technical seminars;
– Print publications or magazines;
– Seek recognition, as style federation, within the European Karate Federation

We are currently being the motor of the constitution of the World Goju-Ryu Karate Federation, as well as similar Federations in other continents.

 4. Report of the EGKF treasurer

Mr. Pieter Harms has reported EGKF budget (income and expenditure). Complete report is at the disposal.

5. Report of the Referee committee

EGKF   kumite:    15 referees and 4 judges

                 Kata   :    21 judges

But anyway, we have always problems with low number of referees on tatami and especially with national parity in relation to competitors.

In this case, EGKF claims penalty to countries with no or less number of referees along the rules. 

6. Admission of the new COR rules

The new COR rules have been after some discussions by the EGKF General meeting admited. Complete version is on our internet site at your disposal.

7. Admission of the new REF rules

The new REF rules have been by the EGKF General meeting admited. Complete version is on our internet site at your disposal.

8. Election of the EGKF DC, Auditors, Referee Committee and Organizing Committee

All EGKF members received before the date of General meeting  proposal for  EGKF positions for EGKF Directive Committee, auditors, Referee Committee and Organizing  Committee.

Those members have been accepted and voted by the EGKF General meeting:

Directive Comittee

President – Humberto Nuno de Oliveira (POR)
Vice- President – Horst Nehm (GER)
Secretary-General – Jiri Bocek (CZE)
Treasurer – Pieter Harms (BEL)


Franz Katzlberger (AUT)
Henk Gerrits (NED)

Referee Committee

Chairman – Vitaliano Morandi (ITA)
Vocals – Jaromir Musil (CZE)
Nuno Cardeira (POR)
Thomas Braatz (AUT)
Uwe Portugall (GER)

Organizing Committee

Chairman – Erhard Kellner (AUT)
Vocal – Valdemar Almeida (POR)
DC member – Jiri Bocek (CZE)

 9. Proposal and presentation of next events – EGKF calendar

2011           Spain
2012           Romania

Organizers will present their application in the year 2010.

10. Other issues

EGKF General meeting has been closed by the EGKF President.        

Jiri Bocek
EGKF General Secretary